Monday, March 30, 2009

blogger dude

This year was the first time i have ever heard of blogger. And i like it. Its a very cool fun and weird way to learn and post your homework.  I think blogger has helped me do my homework more because i get on the computer so much so while I'm on there i do my homework and get As. 
The only thing that i do not like about doing work on line is that i have a hard time reading poems, books, or short stories on the computer for some reason. The blogger is definitely different from what we use to do in english. In 10th grade we use to have a notebook and i would always fail because i would loose it, or i wouldn't keep up with it. Blogger is so much easy for me and i would love to keep blogging my brains out.

BLOGGERS #1 dude

Sunday, March 22, 2009

the great gatsby!!!!

Wow! What can i say about the great gatsby. When i first started to read the book i thought it was going to be amazingly boring but i was wrong. One question that i do have about the book is when daisy is suppose to leave tom to get with gatsby but she doesn't?
This book had everything that you would want in a book. The best part is that most off the people in the book was rich. One thing i didn't like about the book was that gatsby got killed (shot). I was hoping that he will be alive.

“Riches have never fascinated me, unless combined with the greatest charm or distinction.”

This quote mean that he was not so worry about getting rich. unless it had something that he really want along side of it.

This can also mean that even if he was rich it does not mean that he would be happy. Being happy and proud of what he's done in life is what really being rich is about.
–Letter, Aug. 1936, to Ernest Hemingway 

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Great Gatsby Journal Page

The Great Gatsby Chapter One. 

The Great gatsby starts off with Nick Carraway. His is from minnesota and he is the narrater. He works in the bond business and he lives in west egg. West eggs is what they call the new rich. Meaning the people who have gotten rich recently.  Nick knows allot of people in east egg. One day nick goes to east egg to eat dinner with daisy and tom. Nick and tom know each other from yale which they both graduated  from.
Words I do not know.
teutonic migration

Monday, March 9, 2009

allen ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg was born in Newark, New Jersey. His parents were Russian-Jewish immigrants. Louis Ginsberg his father, was a teacher and poet. Allot of his work was in the new york times magazine. Ginsberg's mother Naomi Ginsberg was diagnosed with paranoia, and she died in an asylum in 1956. Her tragic life is the subject of Ginsberg's poem 'Kaddish', which was written in one 40-hour session as a compensation of her funeral service.

Ginsberg poem kaddish almost had tears coming down my face. It tells so much detail. It almost paints a picture of how ginsberg acted before and after his mom died. My favorite line is ''I've been up all night talking reading the kaddish aloud, listening to ray charles blues''. This shows how i think his main goal in the poem is to paint a picture of his feelings. The structure of the poem i think is free verse. The tone is very sad and long.

Another Ginsberg poem is ''Father Death Blues''. When i read this i was confused if this was a poem or a song. The whole poems rhymes, and through out the whole poem he names allot of other peoples deaths like ''old uncle death don't hide your bones old aunty death i can hear you groans. It was really weird reading this one.

I am not sure how you can tell if a poet is distantly american. I have read allot of Allens Ginsberg peoms and everything is about death and i think parts of the bible. There is not one poem he writes that is about anything outside of america, But allen ginsburg is american.

Friday, March 6, 2009

On Burroughs’ Work

The method must be purest meat

and no symbolic dressing,

actual visions & actual prisons

as seen then and now.

Prisons and visions presented

with rare descriptions

corresponding exactly to those

of Alcatraz and Rose.

A naked lunch is natural to us,

we eat reality sandwiches.

But allegories are so much lettuce.

Don't hide the madness.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

kate chopin poem thing

Over these couple of weeks i have been reading kate chopin. Her stories are a little similar to the american romanticism we read in class. But personally i think its more similar to american realism. In the story lilacs adrienne was a nun, but the other nuns did not like her because they thought she wasn't living the way a nun should be. That proves that her writing is more american realism than american romanticism.

Kate chopin topics and issues are about women. In the story lilacs a nun tries to be a party girl and be a nun. And her leader found out about it and then she was banned forever. In the other story i read a pair of silk stockings, a lady finds money and spends it on her self and not her children. I feel that in both story it is mostly about women trying to do 2 things and find out that they can't do it.

"She descended the steps with a nerveless and dragging tread. Once as she was walking away, she turned to look back at the imposing facade of the convent, hoping to see a familiar face, or a hand, even, giving a faint token that she was still cherished by some one faithful heart. But she saw only the polished windows looking down at her like so many cold and glittering and reproachful eyes".

This is my favorite part of the story. this part is when she was banned and she looks back to see if anybody would look back act her in a sad face showing that they cared, but she realized that nobody did.