Tuesday, March 3, 2009

kate chopin poem thing

Over these couple of weeks i have been reading kate chopin. Her stories are a little similar to the american romanticism we read in class. But personally i think its more similar to american realism. In the story lilacs adrienne was a nun, but the other nuns did not like her because they thought she wasn't living the way a nun should be. That proves that her writing is more american realism than american romanticism.

Kate chopin topics and issues are about women. In the story lilacs a nun tries to be a party girl and be a nun. And her leader found out about it and then she was banned forever. In the other story i read a pair of silk stockings, a lady finds money and spends it on her self and not her children. I feel that in both story it is mostly about women trying to do 2 things and find out that they can't do it.

"She descended the steps with a nerveless and dragging tread. Once as she was walking away, she turned to look back at the imposing facade of the convent, hoping to see a familiar face, or a hand, even, giving a faint token that she was still cherished by some one faithful heart. But she saw only the polished windows looking down at her like so many cold and glittering and reproachful eyes".

This is my favorite part of the story. this part is when she was banned and she looks back to see if anybody would look back act her in a sad face showing that they cared, but she realized that nobody did.

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